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Welcome to PHP-Nuke!

Congratulations! You have now a web portal installed!. You can edit or change this message from the Administration page.

For security reasons the best idea is to create the Super User right NOW by clicking HERE

You can also create a user for you from the same page. Please read carefully the README file, CREDITS file to see from where comes the things and remember that this is free software released under the GPL License (read COPYING file for details). Hope you enjoy this software. Please report any bug you find when one of this annoying things happens and I'll try to fix it for the next release.

If you like this software and want to make a contribution you can purchase me something from my Wish List, you can also donate some money to PHP-Nuke project by clicking here or if you prefer you can become a PHP-Nuke's Club Member by clicking here and obtain extra goodies for your system.

PHP-Nuke is an advanced and intelligent content management system designed and programmed with very hard work. PHP-Nuke has the biggest user's community in the world for this kind of application, thousands people (users and programmers) are waiting for you to join the revolution at http://phpnuke.org where you can find thousands of modules/addons, themes, blocks, graphics, utilities and much more...

If you want to have written authorization to remove all visible copyright messages and any reference to PHP-Nuke, you can now acquire it by clicking here, at the same time this will be a great support.

Thanks for your support and for select PHP-Nuke as you web site's code! Hope you can can enjoy this application as much as we enjoy developing it!

Web site powered by PHP-Nuke

All logos and trademarks in this site are property of their respective owner. The comments are property of their posters, all the rest © 2002 by me.
You can syndicate our news using the file backend.php or ultramode.txt
Web site engine code is Copyright © 2003 by PHP-Nuke. All Rights Reserved. PHP-Nuke is Free Software released under the GNU/GPL license.
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